OBD Fusion app for OBD2 ELM327 scan tool on iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad

OBD Fusion is a very cool app for iPhone and iPad that enables you to view OBD2 vehicle data directly from your mobile device, so that you can optimize your fuel efficiency and access all kinds of fascinating information about your vehicle.

I’m going to have to be completely honest here and say that much of the data provided by this app is lost on me because I don’t really know the first thing about vehicle maintenance, much less what all these dials and numbers mean.

Having said that, this is definitely a very well-developed app with a crazy amount of information to offer and a very slick interface design that I think many of you are going to get a great deal of enjoyment from using.

View Fuel Economy In Three Formats

OBD Fusion is intended to allow vehicle owners to read OBD2 vehicle data from their mobile device, providing you have an OBD-2 or EOBD vehicle.

You’ll be able to view information such as the all-important fuel economy, which is displayed in a few different formats including MPG, L/100km and KM/L so that you can find what makes the most sense to you.

There are also loads of diagnostic feedback codes that I have no clue about, although I do know that the check engine light is displayed, so that’s a good thing at least…or maybe it isn’t?!

Create a Full Vehicle Diagnostics Report

In addition to this and much more, you’ll also find Oxygen Sensor Results, On-board Monitoring Tests, emissions readiness for every U.S. state, In-performance Tracking Counters, and GPS tracking so that you can plot vehicle parameters on a map in real time.

What’s more, all of the data that is logged can be saved for future reference or exported via email in .CSV file format. This is perfect for getting one up on your mechanic if you want to show him that you really know your stuff!

Pros and Cons


  • Read OBD2 vehicle data directly from your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad
  • Real-time dashboard display with fully customizable gauges
  • View emissions readiness for each U.S. state
  • Imperial and Metric systems are both supported
  • Displays vehicle information including VIN number and calibration ID
  • Plot vehicle parameters on a map in real time by using your device’s integrated GPS
  • Create a full diagnostic report that can be exported via email


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Final Words

OBD Fusion isn’t exactly a must-have iPhone and iPad app for car owners but it definitely does provide some interesting insights and will be a lot of fun for those of you who are more technically minded in this regard.

Of course, if you’re a car mechanic and are looking for a diagnostics tool then you might like to consider checking this out as it could come in very handy.